How do I get MCITP Certified?

To become MCITP certified you need to acquire knowledge and skills in the certain area of IT you are sitting the MCITP Exam for. There are many different ways to gain these skills and knowledge, but by far the best way is to actually get hands on experience working in a job. This experience coupled with study from one of the many self-paced training books should guarantee a successful MCITP Exam result for the majority of people.

If you are the type that learns best with a tutor, or fresh out of school with no job opportunities in the IT industry, enrolling yourself at an educational institute would be your next best bet to be on the road to passing a MCITP Exam. Depending on what courses are available in your area you might be on the road to gaining your MCITP Certification within 6 – 12 months, although some places do run MCITP Boot Camps which claim to be able to cram all the required skills and knowledge into your memory in as little as a fortnight.

The last way some people get MCITP Certified is through MCITP Brain Dumps. MCITP Brain Dumps are more or less the questions and answers to the MCITP Exams and are certainly not an ethical way to earn a MCITP Certification. MCITP Certifications definitely have to be coupled with actual theoretical understanding and real life experience as well if possible. MCITP Qualified people with out these two vital things will more than likely have difficulty when they are put to the test.