Sitting a MCITP practice test is the best way to see how well you understand the material that will be tested in the real mcitp exam. We have prepared a number of MCITP practice tests to help you prepare for your exam. These practice tests are made to be quick and short and will quiz you with approximately 20 practice questions from your MCITP exam of choice.
The practice questions in these practice exams are just a sample of the sort of questions you should expect during your mcitp exam. There are only two question formats in these tests – single-choice and multi-choice, although in the real exam you can expect additional question formats and styles which you can read about MCITP exam question formats.
There is no time limit on our practice exams although bear in mind that you will have a set amount of time in the real exam. Some questions are worth more than 1 point and you will lose 1 point per incorrect answer on these questions. You can review your incorrect answers at the end of the MCITP practice test.
Please use the links below to access one of our practice tests.
MCTS 70-680 Practice Test 1 – This practice test has 19 sample questions from the 70-680 syllabus.
MCTS 70-680 Practice Test 2 – This practice test has 19 sample questions from the 70-680 syllabus.
MCTS 70-680 Practice Test 3 – This practice test has 18 sample questions from the 70-680 syllabus.